Originally published on the GEARED website

Caroline Kamm explains her bid-shading research at DistribuTECH 2018

Caroline Kamm, a senior at the University of Central Florida (UCF), is pursuing not one but two Bachelor of Science degrees: one in electrical engineering and one in mechanical engineering. Her studies focus on the power systems side of electrical engineering and on the heat transfer/thermodynamics side of mechanical engineering.

“Ultimately, I want to use my multidisciplinary knowledge to design high-efficiency systems in the utility or facility construction industries,” says Kamm.

Her senior research project, “a bid-shading auction in a P2P trading network where each participant is both a producer and consumer of renewable energy, or ‘prosumer,’” was inspired directly by the FEEDER program (Foundations for Engineering Education for Distributed Energy Resources) at UCF. The program is part of the GEARED network of collaborative universities and industries integrating power systems analysis and R&D into curriculum and short course development, offering internships, coops and continuing education. (GEARED stands for Grid Engineering for Accelerated Renewable Energy Deployment and is a program funded by the US Department of Energy. IREC is national administrator).

Kamm credits FEEDER and GEARED for offering a wide variety of power systems and renewable energy courses that are preparing her to take her rightful place in today’s power systems engineering workforce. She is confident she is building a strong foundation of power systems fundamentals, including renewable and distributed power generation, data analytics, cyber systems security, economics and public policy that will serve her and her future employer well.

Read the article in its entirety.