April 14, 2022

Data Validation for Hosting Capacity Analyses

IREC and the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) partnered to identify best practices for producing trusted, validated HCA results reflecting real-world grid conditions.

Distributed energy resources (DERs) such as solar arrays, energy storage, and electric vehicles are arriving on the grid in fast-growing numbers—so utilities, developers, regulators, and customers need accurate data to help them understand how much DER capacity their grids can accommodate.

A hosting capacity analysis (HCA) can provide answers. This type of analysis assesses the ability of the electric grid to host additional DERs at specific locations, without the need for costly upgrades or lengthy interconnection studies. With accurate and validated data, an HCA can streamline and add transparency to DER planning and interconnection processes.

In this report, IREC and the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) partnered to identify best practices for producing trusted, validated HCA results reflecting real-world grid conditions.

Curious to learn more? Check out this recorded webinar, hosted by the NREL and IREC teams on May 10, 2022.

You can also explore our related web page, which contains additional background information on this report and its development.